Manjula Pothos Brown Spots

Manjula Pothos is a highly variegated houseplant with green and white swirls and curled leaves. If you’ve landed on this article, you may have a Manjula Pothos or are wondering why Manjula Pothos gets brown spots. You are in the right place, as we’ll dive into why brown spots happen on Manjula Pothos, what to do about it, and how to prevent it from happening. 

A variety of factors, including overwatering, underwatering, pests, or diseases, can cause brown spots on Manjula Pothos leaves. It’s important to identify the cause of the brown spots to prevent further damage to your plant. In this article, we will explore the common causes of brown spots on Manjula Pothos leaves and provide tips on how to care for your plant to prevent brown spots from occurring. By the end of this article, you will feel confident in your ability to care for your Manjula Pothos plant and keep its leaves healthy and vibrant.

Manjula Pothos Brown Spots

Why Is Your Manjula Pothos Turning Brown?

There could be several reasons for brown spots on your Manjula Pothos. Here are some common causes of Manjula Pothos brown spots.


Overwatering is one of the most common reasons for brown spots on Manjula Pothos. When you water the plant too much, the roots may become waterlogged and mushy, which can lead to root rot. Root rot can cause brown spots on the leaves, as the plant cannot absorb nutrients properly from the soaking soil.


On the other hand, if you don’t water your Manjula Pothos enough, the leaves may also develop brown spots. When the plant doesn’t get enough water, it may start to wilt and develop brown spots.

Low Humidity

Manjula Pothos prefers higher humidity levels. If the air in your home is too dry, the leaves may develop brown spots. You can increase the humidity levels by placing a humidifier near the plant.

Direct Sunlight

Manjula Pothos prefer indirect sunlight. If you place the plant in direct sunlight, the leaves may get burned and develop brown spots. You can move the plant to a location with less direct sunlight.


Pests like spider mites and mealybugs can also cause brown spots on Manjula Pothos. Inspect your plant carefully every time you water, especially underneath the leaves, on the stems, and on the newest growth. You can use insecticidal soap or neem oil to get rid of these pests.

How to Fix Brown Leaves on Manjula Pothos

If you notice Manjula Pothos brown spots on the leaves, it is important to take immediate action to prevent further damage.

Check the Watering

Overwatering or underwatering can cause brown spots on the leaves. Make sure you are watering your plant correctly by checking the soil moisture level before watering. The top inch of soil should feel dry to the touch before you water the plant again.

Adjust Lighting

Too much or too little light can cause brown spots on the leaves. Manjula pothos prefers bright, indirect light. If your plant is in direct sunlight, move it to a place with more shade. If it is not getting enough light, move it closer to a window or provide artificial lighting.

Remove Pests

Remove the pests, if found, with insecticidal soap. Alternatively, you can take the plant to the sink and spray it off to get all of the bugs off and then treat it with insecticidal soap per the bottles instructions.

Prune Damaged Leaves

Depending on how big the brown spots are on the plant, consider removing them. If it’s larger than 1/2 of the leaf, I would recommend removing it. If it’s just a spot, you may leave it.


A lack of nutrients can also cause brown spots on the leaves. Use a balanced fertilizer to provide your plant with the necessary nutrients.

How to Prevent Manjula Pothos From Turning Brown

As mentioned above, the most important thing to check for when you notice brown spots on your Manjula Pothos is watering. Make sure the soil is dry before watering to prevent overwatering. If the soil is dry when you’re watering and you can’t figure out what else is causing brown spots on your Manjula, read this article on Manjula Pothos soil.

Provide it with good lighting, but if it’s too close to a light source and it’s getting brown leaves, move it back a few inches.

Inspect the plant thoroughly for insects and remove insects right away. Be sure to isolate the plant so the pests don’t transfer to your other plants.

Prune affected leaves if more than half of the leaf is affected and be sure to fertilize the plant when it is actively growing.

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