Manjula Pothos vs Pearls and Jade

Many types of pothos look very similar, leaving the looming question of what’s the difference between all of them? In this article, we’ll look at Manjula Pothos vs Pearls and Jade Pothos, including the similarities and differences between the two. Whether you are looking to buy a Manjula or a Pearls & Jade or if you’re trying to identify what houseplant you have, you will know the difference between the two after reading this article.

The Manjula Pothos is a cultivar of the Pothos plant that features variegated leaves with creamy white and green markings. It is a relatively new variety that was first introduced to the market in the early 2010s. The Pearls and Jade Pothos, on the other hand, is an older cultivar that has been around since the 1960s. It has similar variegation to the Manjula, with white and green leaves, but its leaves are smaller and more heart-shaped.

Manjula Pothos

Manjula Pothos
Manjula Pothos

Manjula Pothos is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a unique and visually stunning houseplant. This variety of Pothos has variegated leaves with spots of green and white. The leaves are thick, wavy, and large, making them stand out in any room.

One of the benefits of the Manjula Pothos is that it’s relatively easy to care for. You can fertilize the plant every few months to help it grow and thrive. It’s important to keep the soil moist, but not so much where it turns soggy. Always discard the tray or saucer after watering to prevent mushy roots.

Another advantage of the Manjula Pothos is that it’s a great air purifier. Like other plants, it has been shown to help remove toxins from the air and improve indoor air quality.

Pearls and Jade Pothos

Pearls & Jade Pothos
Pearls and Jade Pothos

The Pearls and Jade Pothos is a great choice if you’re looking for a beautiful and low-maintenance plant to add to your collection. This plant has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. Here are some reasons why you might want to consider getting a Pearls and Jade Pothos:

  • It’s easy to care for – this plant can thrive in various lighting conditions and doesn’t require a lot of water.
  • It’s visually stunning – the variegated leaves of the Pearls and Jade Pothos feature shades of green and white, making it a unique and eye-catching addition to any space.
  • It’s versatile – this plant can be grown in a hanging basket, trained to climb a trellis or wall, or even grown as a trailing plant from a tall planter.

One thing to remember when caring for a Pearls and Jade Pothos is that it prefers bright, indirect light. While it can tolerate low light conditions, it may grow slower and produce fewer leaves. Additionally, it’s important to let the soil dry out slightly between waterings to prevent overwatering.

Overall, the Pearls and Jade Pothos is a great choice for anyone looking for a low-maintenance plant that adds color and interest to a space. 

The Differences Between Manjula Pothos & Pearls and Jade

Here are some differences between Manjula Pothos vs Pearls and Jade:

  • Leaf size: Manjula Pothos has larger leaves, while Pearls and Jade has smaller leaves.
  • Leaf color: Manjula Pothos has green and white variegated leaves, while Pearls and Jade has green and cream variegated leaves.
  • Growth pattern: Manjula Pothos grows in a more vine-like pattern, while Pearls and Jade grows in a bushier pattern.
  • Light requirements: Both plants do well in bright, indirect light, but Manjula Pothos can handle slightly more shade than Pearls and Jade.
  • Watering: Both plants prefer to dry out slightly between waterings, but Manjula Pothos can handle a bit more moisture than Pearls and Jade.

Overall, both Manjula Pothos and Pearls and Jade are great choices for a low-maintenance pothos. Consider the differences in leaf size, color, growth pattern, light requirements, and watering preferences when deciding which one is right for you.

Manjula Pothos vs Pearls and Jade

The Similarities Between Manjula Pothos & Pearls and Jade

Now that you know the differences between the two, we can talk about the similarities between them because there are a few! 

  • Both plants are a type of Pothos, which means they’re easy to care for and grow quickly.
  • They both have variegated leaves with white and green coloring. This similarity is the hardest thing to distinguish between them. Manjula Pothos has patches of green and white with splashes, while Pearls and Jade only have patches of green and white variegations.
  • Manjula Pothos and Pearls and Jade both prefer bright, indirect light, but can tolerate lower light conditions.
  • They’re both great for purifying the air in your home or office.

One of the biggest similarities between these two plants is their ease of care. Both Manjula Pothos and Pearls and Jade are low-maintenance plants that don’t require a lot of attention. They can tolerate a range of light conditions and only need to be watered when the soil is dry to the touch.

Finally, the variegated leaves of both Manjula Pothos and Pearls and Jade make them a visually appealing addition to any space. The white and green coloring of the leaves will always add visual interest to your home.

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