Philodendron Ring of Fire

Scientific Name: Philodendron Ring of Fire

Common Name: Philodendron Ring of Fire

Philodendron Ring of Fire care is an easy Philodendron to grow and care for. If you are looking for a climbing Philodendron with jagged leaves and bright-colored foliage, a Philodendron Ring of Fire plant may be for you.

To give this Philodendron plant the best care, it requires well-draining soil, water the plant when the top two inches of the soil is dry, provide it with bright indirect sunlight, temperatures ranging from 55-80F, and average humidity levels.

Quick Care Overview

Common NamePhilodendron Ring of Fire
Scientific NamePhilodendron Ring of Fire
OriginHybrid – Philo Tortum x Philo Wendlandii
Growth RateSlow
IdentificationJagged edges that are red, orange, white, and cream
HeightUp to 8 feet tall
SoilWell-draining soil
WaterWater when the top two inches of soil is dry
SunlightBright indirect sunlight
Toxic to Cats & DogsYes
Toxic to HumansYes
PestsFungus gnats
DiseasesRoot rot

Below we will dive deep into this Philodendron Ring of Fire care guide.

Philodendron Ring of Fire care

Philodendron Ring of Fire History

Philodendron Ring of Fire is one of the most sought-after, gorgeous colorful Philodendrons available on the market. This Philodendron has a combination of 5 colors and is believed to be a hybrid of Philodendron Wendleandii and Philodendron Tortum. This attractive tropical climbing plant can be quite pricey, but its attention-grabbing feature makes it well worth it. 

Philodendron Ring of Fire Identification

Philodendron Ring of Fire can be identified by its large, gorgeous jagged-edged foliage that comes in multiple colors including red, orange, dark green, light green, white, and cream. Foliage will point upwards and have curled edges. Foliage may grow up to 16 inches in width and up to 24 inches in length. 

Philodendron Ring of Fire Growth Facts

The Ring of Fire Philodendron is a slow-growing plant that is well worth the wait. This beautiful climbing Philodendron looks excellent grown in a typical container or grown from hanging baskets. 

How Big Does a Philodendron Ring of Fire Get?

The Ring of Fire Philodendron may grow up to 8 feet tall. 

Philodendron Ring of Fire Care

This slow-growing plant is not particularly hard to care for and is an ideal plant for beginning houseplant collectors. Just ensure that you provide it with plenty of light and moisture. 

Philodendron Ring of Fire Soil

Philodendron Ring of Fire will grow well in loose, airy soil, such as found in a commercial potting mix indicated for aroids. Additionally, This plant would love the addition of a moss pole to the soil.

Philodendron Ring of Fire Fertilizer

Your Philodendron Ring of Fire will benefit from bimonthly fertilization during the growing season of spring and summer. The best fertilization for this plant will be a liquid fertilizer indicated for houseplants. Ensure that you follow all label instructions and do not overfeed. Fertilization should be halted in the late fall or when the plant is no longer actively growing.  

Philodendron Ring of Fire Watering

The Ring of Fire Philodendron is not particularly fussy regarding how much water it receives. Ensure that you water it after the top 2-3 inches of soil becomes dry. Depending on growing conditions, you will likely need to water your Philodendron around every week. However, watering frequency should be reduced in the late fall and winter to around every 2-3 weeks.

Philodendron Ring of Fire Light Requirements

Philodendron Ring of Fire can tolerate various light conditions and will accept low light conditions. Still, it will prefer to be kept in bright indirect sunlight. However, too intense of direct sunlight will cause foliage to scorch. Light from an eastern or southern-facing window will be perfect. Alternatively, you may choose to grow your Ring of Fire Philodendron under grow lights. 

Philodendron Ring of Fire Temperature & Humidity

Philodendron Ring of Fire, being a tropical plant, will enjoy being grown in warm, humid environments. You should strive to keep your Philodendron between 55-80 degrees Fahrenheit. 

While your Philodendron will enjoy additional humidity from a humidifier, it will also thrive in average indoor humidity, between 30-60%, making this easy-to-care-for plant a suitable choice for beginners. 

Repotting Philodendron Ring of Fire

The Ring of Fire Philodendron will like to remain slightly rootbound. Therefore, annual repotting is not necessary. Ideally, you should repot your Philodendron every 2-3 years in the spring. Select a container that is the next size up or 2″ larger than the previous container, repot your plant, refresh the soil, tamp lightly, water thoroughly, and place in indirect light. 

Philodendron Ring of Fire Maintenance & Pruning

You should periodically prune your Ring of Fire Philodendron. Remove any discolored, dead, or diseased foliage using sharp, clean shears. Additionally, you may prune back your plant to encourage new growth and give it a more uniform, even look. 

How to Care for Philodendron Ring of Fire

Philodendron Ring of Fire Propagation

Propagation of your Philodendron Ring of Fire is not particularly difficult, but using rooting hormone is suggested. To propagate, cut a piece of stem that is 7-8 inches. Next, dip the cut end of the stems into rooting hormone and place it into moist soil situated in indirect sunlight. Within a month, your cutting should have rooted, and n growth should resume. 

Philodendron Ring of Fire Toxicity

Toxicity to Humans

Like many other Philodendrons, the Ring of Fire Philodendron is considered toxic to humans due to its calcium oxalate crystal content. Therefore, it should be kept away from babies and small children. Do not consume any portion of this plant. 

Toxicity to Cats & Dogs

The Ring of Fire Philodendron is considered toxic to pets and should be kept out of reach of your cat or dog. Contact your veterinarian or animal poison control if you suspect your cat or dog has consumed any portion of this plant. 

Caring for Philodendron Ring of Fire

Philodendron Ring of Fire Problems

Philodendron Ring of Fire Leaves Turning Yellow

Yellowing foliage may indicate overwatering, underwatering, nutrient issues, or a lack of sunlight.  

Philodendron Ring of Fire Leaves Turning Brown

When the foliage of your Philodendron turns brown, it is typically due to too much direct sunlight. Adjust the lighting the plant is receiving to get indirect lighting.

Philodendron Ring of Fire Diseases

This hardy, resilient plant is considered disease resistant. However, ensure that you do not overwater your Philodendron. 

Philodendron Ring of Fire Pests

This plant is considered pest resistant. However, it is not immune to an infestation. Periodically check your plant for signs of pests. Upon identification of an infestation, isolate your plant, and treat it with a pesticide, like insecticidal soap. 

Other Philodendron Resources:

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