Alocasia Frydek

Scientific Name: Alocasia Frydek

Common Name: Green Velvet Alocasia, Alocasia Micholitziana

Alocasia Frydek care is a hard Alocasia to grow and care for. There are specific care items you need to care for in order for it to grow well. If you are an experienced houseplant grower, this plant may be the right plant for yo, however, this plant is not a good plant for beginners.

To give this Alocasia plant the best care, it requires an airy soil that drains well but retains moisture, water after the top inch of soil has dried out, provide the plant with bright indirect sunlight, temperatures ranging from 65-85F, and average humidity levels.

Quick Care Overview

Common NameGreen Velvet Alocasia, Alocasia Micholitziana
Scientific NameAlocasia Frydek
OriginSoutheast Asia
Growth RateMedium
IdentificationLarge dark green triangular leaves with thick white veins
HeightUp to 3 feet tall
SoilRich, airy soil that can retain moisture
WaterAllow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering
SunlightBright indirect sunlight
Toxic to Cats & DogsYes
Toxic to HumansYes
PestsMealybugs, scale, thrips, spider mites
DiseasesRoot rot, leaf spot

Below we will dive deep into this Alocasia Frydek care guide.

Alocasia Frydek Care

Alocasia Frydek History

Alocasia Frydek Micholitziana, also known as the Green Velvet plant, is a stunning perennial houseplant that produces fragrant white flowers and spectacular foliage. The Green Velvet plant has grown in popularity and makes an eye-catching display.

Alocasia Frydek Identification

Alocasia Frydek presents with large triangular dark green velvety smooth arrow-shaped leaves that have thick stark white veins. Large leaves come from stems growing from tuberous rhizomes. 

Alocasia Frydek Growth Facts

This tropical perennial has a compact growth habit, making it perfect for shelves, windowsills, mantles, and tables.

How Big Does an Alocasia Frydek Get?

Alocasia Frydek may grow up to 3 feet tall.

Alocasia Frydek Care

Like many other Alocasias, caring for the Green Velvet Alocasia can be a bit challenging. However, this plant will thrive and reward you with spectacular foliage when given the right conditions. Ensure that you give this plant adequate moisture, as watering is one of its most important requirements.

Alocasia Frydek Soil

The Green Velvet Alocasia is an aroid that likes to be planted in a rich, airy soil that can maintain moisture but is well-draining. A 1:1:1 mixture of commercial potting soil to perlite and orchid bark with additional incorporations of organic material such as compost or worm castings will be perfect for this plant. 

Alocasia Frydek Fertilizer

This Alocasia likes to be fed monthly during the warm season of spring and summer when the plant is in active growth. Select a balanced liquid fertilizer and ensure that you follow all label instructions. Do not fertilize in fall or winter, and be sure not to overfertilize, as this may cause issues. 

Alocasia Frydek Watering

When it comes to the soil of Alocasia Frydek, it should remain evenly moist but not oversaturated. You should rewater your Alocasia after the top 1-2” of soil has dried. The plant requires consistent moisture to remain happy, so do not allow your Alocasia to become too dried out. 

Alocasia Frydek Light Requirements

Alocasia Frydek loves to be grown in bright indirect light. Do not allow this plant to be exposed to prolonged periods of direct sun, as this will lead to foliage burning. Being placed near a northern or eastern-facing window will be perfect for this plant. 

Alocasia Frydek Temperature & Humidity

Being a tropical plant, Alocasia Frydek likes to be grown in warm and humid environments. It should be kept in temperatures between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. It will generally tolerate general household humidity levels, but it will appreciate added humidity, such as from a humidifier or a pebble tray. 

Repotting Alocasia Frydek

This Alocasia prefers to remain slightly rootbound but should be repotted every 2-3 years. You should repot during spring or early summer. Select a new container that is only 1-2 inches larger in diameter and refresh the soil. Ensure that you do not disturb the plant’s roots too much, as this plant is sensitive to repotting. After repotting, ensure that you water thoroughly and place it in indirect light.  

Alocasia Frydek Maintenance & Pruning

Alocasia Frydek does not require regular pruning, as this will not lead to bushier growth. Instead, remove any dead, diseased, or discolored leaves periodically as needed. 

Alocasia Frydek Propagation

Like other Alocasias, the Green Velvet Alocasia can be easily propagated by rhizome division. Propagating your plant can be done simply during repotting. It should be noted that this plant may not be propagated by stem cuttings. To propagate from division, ensure that your Alocasia has at least two bulbs with active foliage growth. Remove the rhizome from its pot and separate using a sharp, clean blade to dive bulbs. Place the separated bulb in its own pot and water thoroughly. Some suggest covering the newly planted container with a bottle or container to create a greenhouse-like enclosure which can help encourage establishment by trapping in humidity. 

How to Care for Alocasia Frydek

Alocasia Frydek Toxicity

Containing insoluble calcium oxalate crystals, Alocasia Frydek is toxic to humans, cats, and dogs. Keep away from pets and small children to avoid skin irritation and gastrointestinal issues.

Toxicity to Humans

Alocasia Frydek is considered toxic to humans and should never be ingested.  

Toxicity to Cats & Dogs

Alocasia Frydek is considered toxic to pets and should not be consumed. If you believe that your pet has consumed any portion of this plant, you should contact your veterinarian or animal poison control immediately. 

Alocasia Frydek Problems

Alocasia Frydek Leaves Turning Yellow

Yellowing foliage may be caused by either overwatering or underwatering. Ensure that you do not overwater your plant but that its soil remains adequately moist. 

Alocasia Frydek Leaves Turning Brown

The most common cause of foliage browning on Alocasias is due to pests or fungal disease. Periodically inspect your plant for any signs of pest infestation, bacterial, or fungal issues. 

Alocasia Frydek Diseases

Alocasia Frydek is most commonly affected by diseases related to overwatering such as root rot or leaf spot. Ensure that you do not overwater your plant and that it is not allowed to sit in standing water within the plant’s drainage tray.

Alocasia Frydek Pests

The Green Velvet Alocasia may become susceptible to a range of indoor house pests such as spider mites, scale, thrips, or mealybugs. Therefore, you should inspect your plant regularly for signs of pests and if found, treat immediately with a pesticide, ensuring that you follow all label instructions.


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