Baltic Blue Pothos vs Cebu Blue

You’re familiar with the Pothos plant family. The Pothos we’ll discuss in this article are of the Epipremnum Pinnatum variety: the gorgeous Cebu Blue Pothos and the less common Baltic Blue Pothos. While they share some similarities, they also have distinct differences that make them unique.

The Baltic Blue Pothos and the Cebu Blue Pothos are known for their distinctive blue-green leaves and trailing growth habits. However, the Baltic Blue Pothos is more silvery-blue, while the Cebu Blue Pothos has a deeper green-blue hue. The leaves of the Baltic Blue Pothos are also more elongated and narrower than those of the Cebu Blue Pothos.

When it comes to care, both varieties of Pothos are relatively low-maintenance and can thrive in a variety of lighting conditions. However, the Baltic Blue Pothos is known to be more tolerant of lower light levels. At the same time, the Cebu Blue Pothos requires brighter, indirect light to maintain its vibrant color. Understanding the differences between these two varieties can help you choose the best Pothos plant for you.

Baltic Blue Pothos

Baltic Blue Pothos
Baltic Blue Pothos

Baltic Blue Pothos is a beautiful choice among indoor gardeners due to its unique blue-green leaves shaped like hearts but elongated.

The Baltic Blue Pothos is a trailing plant that can grow up to 10 feet long. This makes it an excellent option for hanging baskets or for training to climb a trellis or wall.

This plant is low-maintenance and easy to care for. It can thrive in various lighting conditions, such as bright indirect light to low-light areas.

When it comes to watering, the Baltic Blue Pothos prefers to dry out slightly between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it’s important to let the soil dry out before watering again.
Overall, the Baltic Blue Pothos is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for plant that can add color to any room in your home.

Cebu Blue Pothos

Cebu Blue Pothos
Cebu Blue Pothos

If you’re looking for a unique and eye-catching plant to add to your collection, Cebu Blue Pothos is an excellent choice. This plant is a Pothos family member and native to the Philippines.

One of the most distinctive features of Cebu Blue Pothos is its leaves. They are a beautiful blue-green color with a velvety texture. The leaves are also larger and thicker than those of other Pothos plants in the Epipremnum Aureum variety. These leaves are very elongated, giving them a more substantial feel.

Cebu Blue Pothos is a relatively low-maintenance plant that is easy to care for. It does well in low to medium light conditions but will grow faster and produce more leaves in brighter light. This plant prefers well-draining soil and should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Differences Between Baltic Blue & Cebu Blue

Now that you know a little bit about Baltic Blue & Cebu Blue, you might be considering which plant to get or just curious on the differences between the two. 

Appearance: One of the most apparent differences between the Baltic Blue and Cebu Blue Pothos is their appearance. The Baltic Blue Pothos has true green leaves that can develop fenestrations or holes. While the Cebu Blue Pothos has solid green leaves with a silvery-blue tint. The Cebu Blue Pothos also has a slightly more elongated leaf shape compared to the rounder leaves of the Baltic Blue Pothos.

Growth Habits: While both plants are relatively easy to care for, they have different growth habits. The Baltic Blue Pothos tends to grow more horizontally, making it a good option for hanging baskets or trailing along a shelf. On the other hand, the Cebu Blue Pothos has a more upright growth habit and can grow quite tall if given the space to do so.

Light Requirements: Both plants prefer bright, indirect light, but the Cebu Blue Pothos can tolerate slightly lower light conditions than the Baltic Blue Pothos. If you have a darker room or don’t have a lot of natural light, the Cebu Blue Pothos might be a better option for you.

Watering: Both plants prefer to dry out slightly between waterings, but the Cebu Blue Pothos can tolerate slightly drier conditions compared to the Baltic Blue Pothos. It’s always a good idea to check the soil moisture level before watering any plant to avoid overwatering.

Price: The price of each plant may vary depending on where you live and where you purchase it. However, the Cebu Blue Pothos generally tends to be slightly more expensive than the Baltic Blue Pothos. However, the Baltic Blue may be harder to find locally. 

Similarities Between Baltic Blue & Cebu Blue

Now that the differences are laid out, it’s time to go over similarities. Here are the similarities:

Epipremnum Pinnatum: Baltic Blue and Cebu Blue are types of Pothos, which means they are both relatively easy to care for and can tolerate various lighting conditions.

Leaf Shape & Size: Both plants have similar leaf shapes and sizes, with heart-shaped leaves typically around 2-4 inches long.

Trailing Plants: Both Baltic Blue and Cebu Blue are trailing plants that can be grown in hanging baskets or trained to climb up a moss pole or trellis.

Care Requirements: Both plants have similar water and soil requirements, preferring well-draining soil and moderate watering.

While there are some differences between these two plants, there are also many similarities between the Baltic and Cebu Blue Pothos. 

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