Hawaiian Pothos Propagation

Hawaiian Pothos is a tropical plant is native to French Polynesia and is known for its beautiful heart-shaped leaves. Not only is it a beautiful plant, it’s also easy to propagate. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of Hawaiian Pothos propagation so that you can expand your collection of these gorgeous Pothos plants.

Propagation is the process of creating new plants from existing ones. In the case of Hawaiian Pothos, this is most commonly done through stem cuttings, however, there are other ways. By taking a cutting from a healthy plant, you can create a new plant that is genetically identical to the original. Propagation is a great way to expand your collection or share your love of plants with friends and family. In the following paragraphs, we’ll cover the steps you need to take to propagate Hawaiian Pothos successfully.

Hawaiian Pothos Propagation

Ways to Propagate Hawaiian Pothos

There are many different ways to propagate your Hawaiian Pothos. Here are some options:

Stem Cuttings Into Soil

Cut a healthy stem at least 4 inches long from the mother plant. Remove the lower leaves from the stem, leaving only a few leaves at the top. At this point, you can use rooting hormone powder, if that’s your thing. If so, you would dip the cut end of the stem in the powder and plant it in a well-draining mix. Keep the soil moist and place the pot in a bright, indirect light. After a few weeks, roots should start to form.

Stem Cuttings in Water

Cut a healthy stem at least 4 inches long from the mother plant. Remove the lower leaves from the stem, leaving only a few leaves at the top. Place the stem in a jar of water, ensuring the leaves are above the waterline. Change the water every few days and keep the jar in bright, indirect light. After a few weeks, roots should start to form, and you can transfer the new plant to a potting mix.

Propagating with Division

If your Hawaiian Pothos has multiple stems, you can divide the plant. Remove the plant from its pot and inspect the plant by knocking off the soil on the roots. You can them see what stems have their own roots. Each one of these can be a new plant. Divide the plant up into however many baby plants you want.

Air Layering

Air layering is a process of propagating a plant without removing leaves. What you do is grab damp sphagnum moss and wrap it around a node of the plant. Then secure it with plastic wrap. The moist and humid environment will help it to produce new roots. Once roots have formed, you can cut just above the node and plant into a soil medium.

When to Propagate Hawaiian Pothos

If you have a healthy Hawaiian Pothos plant that you want to propagate, the best time to do it is during the spring or summer months. This is when the plant is actively growing, and it will be better equipped to handle the stress of propagation and actually take root. 

It’s also important to choose a healthy stem to propagate. Look for a stem that is at least 4-6 inches long and has at least two leaves. The stem should also be free of any damage or disease.

If you’re unsure if your plant is healthy enough to propagate, waiting until it shows signs of new growth is a good idea. New growth indicates that the plant is healthy and ready to be propagated.

Where to Cut Hawaiian Pothos

When propagating Hawaiian Pothos, knowing where to make the cut is the most important thing to know. Cutting in the correct place will determine the success of the propagation process.

You’ll want to look for a healthy stem with at least 2-3 leaves. Avoid yellow or brown stems, as they may not root properly.

Cut just above a node, a node is the point on the stem where the leaf emerges. Make a clean cut just above a node, leaving about 1-2 inches of stem below the node. This is where the roots will come out.

How to Propagate Hawaiian Pothos Step-by-Step

Prepare Your Cutting

Take a healthy stem cutting from your Hawaiian Pothos. Make sure it has at least two leaves and a few nodes. Nodes are the small bumps on the stem where leaves grow from. Cut the stem at a 45-degree angle, and make sure it’s about 4-6 inches long.

Remove the Lower Leaves

Remove the leaves from the bottom one or two nodes of the stem. This will leave a bare stem that you can insert into the propagation medium you choose.

Place the Cutting In Water

Fill a glass jar with room temperature water. Place the cuttings so the nodes are completely submerged underwater. Change the water with fresh water every few days.

Provide the Right Conditions

Place the jar in a warm, bright spot without direct sunlight. In a few weeks, your cutting should produce roots. A heating pad underneath the propagation can also help it to root.

Care for Hawaiian Pothos After Roots Have Grown

Whatever method you have chosen for propagation as mentioned above, after roots have grown, it is time to put the plant into soil. Here’s how to care for your new Hawaiian Pothos propagation after it has successfully grown roots.


First things first, is the type of soil you are going to plant your propagation into. You want a well-draining soil, preferably with perlite and coco chips for optimal aeration.


Water your Hawaiian Pothos thoroughly before the soil dries out completely, but make sure to let the soil dry to the touch between watering to avoid overwatering. Overwatering can lead to root rot, damaging your plant’s health.


Hawaiian Pothos prefers bright, indirect light. Low light conditions are not the greatest for this plant due to the variegation. Keep it away from direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.


By giving your Hawaiian plant fertilizer, it will keep putting out new growth and unfurling new leaves. Provide it with a balanced liquid fertilizer, I like Foliage Pro and you can use it everytime you water. Stop fertilizing in winter or when the plant stops putting out new growth. You can fertilize as long as the plant is producing new leaves. 


While pruning is not necessary, you can prune your plant back to encourage bushy growth. Remove any yellow or damaged leaves and cut back any leggy stems to promote new growth.

By following this Hawaiian Pothos propagation guide, you can ensure the healthy growth of your Hawaiian Pothos propagation!

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