How to Propagate Pothos

Propagating Pothos 

Propagating Pothos is an exciting and rewarding experience! It’s a great way to save money on plants and customize your own foliage, color and size of this favored houseplant. In just a few simple steps, you can create new plants from existing ones – all in the comfort of your home. With the right care, patience, and attention, your Pothos will root and grow into a flourishing foliage plant that can bring some much-needed greenery into any living environment. With the right care and nurturing, your Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum) will thrive indoors and bring a vibrant touch of nature to any room.

How to Propagate Pothos

When to Propagate Pothos

The best time to propagate Devil’s Ivy is in Spring or Summer, when the plant is actively growing and it’s easier to source healthy cuttings with new growth. This can be done in a few simple steps. First, take a cutting from an existing healthy Pothos plant that has at least two-three leaves. Make sure that the cutting you are using for propagation looks healthy with good foliage for best results. Place the cutting into a growing medium of your choice, such as clean water, perlite, spaghnum moss, or soil in a container of your choice and let it sit until roots start appearing. Once the roots have developed and have grown one to two inches in length, you can transfer it into potting soil.

Pothos Propagation Methods 

Propagating Pothos in Water

The water propagation method is a popular and easy way to increase your Pothos collection. Start by taking a cutting from an existing healthy Pothos plant with a long vine that has at least two-three leaves. Place the cutting into clean, room temperature water in a jar of your choice, making sure to keep it away from direct sunlight or drafts. Change the water every few days, the goal is to not let the water get murky and to keep the nodes submerged in water. I like to do pothos progations in a glass container so I can see the water color and new roots. Depending on temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors, this process could take weeks to months for the roots to develop. Keep an eye on the plant’s progress by periodically checking for any root growth or visible nodes (small bumps) near the base of the stem.

Once you see sufficient root development, carefully transfer it from water into potting soil, making sure not to disturb the already developed roots. It is important to also make sure that you are using a potting mix that is well-draining and rich in organic matter for optimal growth results. Provide your propagated cutting with indirect sunlight every day and monitor its growth as any other Pothos would be cared for. 

Propagating Pothos in Soil

For those who feel like their Pothos collection needs a bit of sprucing up, soil propagation is an easy way to go. With just a few simple steps and little patience, you will be well on your way to having an abundance of Pothos in no time.

Start by taking a cutting from an existing healthy Pothos plant that has at least two-three leaves; then place it in some potting soil with enough compost and perlite for aeration and drainage. After all that hard work, it’s time for the finale: sit back, relax, and let nature take its course. It can be very tempting to check the roots while the cutting is in soil, but be patient and let it do its thing. You can check on the roots in 4-6 weeks, but be careful.

Propagating Pothos in Sphagnum Moss

For those who have been feeling a bit moss-stitious lately, why not give propagating Pothos in sphagnum moss a try? Not only is it easier to do than you might think, but the results can be incredibly rewarding! To start off, take a cutting from an existing healthy Pothos plant with at least two-three leaves. Make sure the moss is damp, not wet. Gently wrap the damp sphagnum moss around the node of the pothos. Don’t wrap too tightly or pat it down, as it does need oxygen to breathe. In no time at all, your little sprout will be growing like a weed!

Propagating Pothos in Perlite

Perlite is a good medium to propagate in, it’s great for aeration and drainage for better growth. To start off, take a cutting from an existing healthy Pothos plant that has at least two-three leaves; then place it in perlite. Be sure to have drainage holes in the pot you are using for this propagation. I like to bottom water the perlite, so you are not overwatering.

Propagating Pothos from Seed

If propagating pothos in water, soil, sphagnum moss, or perlite isn’t for you, then you can try propagating from seed. The hardest part will be sourcing the seeds. You can find some pothos seeds online or you can go to a local nursery and see if they can order some for you. To start off, simply spread some soil, preferably organic potting mix, over a container or pot. Then sprinkle your Pothos seeds over the soil; cover them lightly with more soil, dampen the surface and wait for them to grow! Keep in mind that this project requires patience — but once it’s complete, you’ll be rewarded with an amazing indoor oasis that will last many years.

Pothos Propagation

Where to Cut Pothos to Propagate

Top Cutting

The top cutting will be the least mature cutting to take as these leaves are the newest, so they can take just a bit longer to root. Always cut your pothos with clean shears, take a cutting at a 45-degree angle with about two leaves and place it into a propagation medium of your choice.

Mid Cutting

The mid cutting is usually taken from a healthy and mature plant with at least six leaves, this cutting should have plenty of stem and well-developed roots down below the soil. To cut in the middle, hold the plant at its base and cut one side of the stem towards the center with sharp scissors. Place this cutting into a medium mentioned above.

Bottom / Stem Cutting 

The bottom cutting is the maturest cutting you can take off a pothos. To cut from the bottom, select a stem as close to the soil line as possible, leaving a leaf or two there for the mother plant to still grow. Place this bottom cutting into a propagation medium discussed above.

Alternatively, bottom cuttings can sometimes mean division cuttings, where you can remove the whole stem with the roots intact and plant it directly in soil to create more plants of the pothos variety you choose.

Propagation Stages


Preparing to propagate Pothos is a simple and effective process. To start, pick the pothos plant you want to propagate from, also known as the mother plant. Sterilize scissors with rubbing alcohol. Now, you are reading to take cuttings.

Take Cuttings

Taking cuttings is the next step in propagating Pothos. Cut below a node in the place you want – bottom cutting, middle cutting, or top cutting as discussed above. Once the cuttings are taken, now it’s time to place into a propagation medium.

Place into Propagation Medium (water, perlite, soil)

The last step in propagating Pothos is placing it into an appropriate propagation medium. Depending on if you want to use water, soil, sphagnum moss, or perlite as your medium, how you do it will be different.

For propagting pothos in water, pick a container with no holes and fill the container all the way up with water. Place the cuttings into the water, making sure the node is submerged. Change the water every few days.

For soil, pick a planter with drainage holes, and plant the cutting into fresh potting soil, either with peat moss or coco coir, and about half perlite for adequate drainage.

For sphagnum moss, wet and wring out the moss and wrap the damp moss around the node. Then place this into a container. Be sure to not wrap tightly, as the roots need oxygen to breathe.

For perlite propagation, fill a container with drainage holes with perlite and place the cutting into it. Bottom water the perlite.

Be patient while the roots are developing. After 4-6 weeks, you can check on the roots for new growth!

Caring for the Plant After Propagating 

Best Lighting for Propagations

After propagating Pothos, it is important to provide the right light conditions for them to thrive. They prefer bright indirect light that is similar to what they would get in their natural environment.

Best Temperature & Humidity for Propagations

Taking care of newly propagated Pothos plants is easy and fun with the right temperature and humidity levels! These resilient plants will thrive in temperatures between 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit and higher than normal levels of humidity. Pothos propagations will really like high humidity levels, you an achieve that easily with a humidifier.

Potting the Propagations Into Soil After Roots Have Grown 

Once you have roots on your pothos cuttings, it’s officially successful! Now you can pot them into soil once the roots are one to two inches in length. Use a well-draining soil when planting the newly rooted cuttings.

Best Potting Mix to Use for Propagations After Roots Have Grown

When potting up your newly propagated Pothos plants after the roots have grown, it’s important to choose the right potting mix! Read more about good soil for pothos here. It’s also important to consider fertilizers and essential micronutrients once the plant has had time to adjust to its new home.

Best Pot Size for Propagations 

When it comes to potting your newly propagated Pothos plants, choosing the right size of pot is key! Generally speaking, aim for a pot that’s about twice as deep and wide as the existing root system. A pot that’s too large will hold too much moisture, while one that’s too small won’t provide enough room for growth. For propagations, it’s better to go smaller in pot size than bigger in pot size, as you can always pot up the next year.

Being one of the easiest houseplants, your plant will soon grow healthy pothos vines!

Propagate Pothos

When Will it Grow Roots

After propagating your Pothos plants, you might be wondering when the roots will start to appear! Generally, it takes about 7 to 10 days for roots to grow and a few weeks or months before the plant starts showing signs of growth. To speed things up and ensure healthy root growth, make sure you provide optimal conditions – such as proper temperature, light, and moisture levels.

When Will it Have New Leaves

After propagating your Pothos plants, you may wonder when the new leaves will appear! It can take about 4 to 6 weeks for new leaves to grow on that propagated cutting. And longer for new shoots to grow in the soil. To speed things up and get the best results, make sure you provide your plant with optimal conditions – such as plenty of indirect sunlight and a consistent watering schedule.

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