Monstera Peru

Scientific Name: Monstera Karstenianum

Common Name: Monstera Peru

Monstera Peru care is an easy Monstera to grow and care for. If you have other Monstera’s in your plant collection and you know how low-maintenance they are, the Monstera Karstenianum is no exception. It’s gorgeous, crinkled leaves will be a sense of uniqueness to your home.

To give this Monstera plant the best care, it requires the soil to be well-draining and to dry out before watering, provide it indirect sunlight, temperatures ranging from 60-85F, and high humidity levels.

Quick Care Overview

Common NameMonstera Peru
Scientific NameMonstera Karstenianum
Growth RateMedium
IdentificationDark green heart shaped leaves that can vine
HeightUp to 6-8 feet tall
SoilWell-draining soil
WaterAllow soil to dry out before watering
SunlightIndirect sunlight
Toxic to Cats & DogsYes
Toxic to HumansYes
PestsMealybugs, fungus gnats, spider mites, scale, and white fly
DiseasesRoot rot, powdery mildew, botrytis, southern blight

Below we will dive deep into this Monstera Peru care guide.

Monstera Peru Care

Monstera Peru History

Monstera Karstenianum, otherwise known as Monstera Peru or Philodendron Karstenianum, is a unique Monstera known for its striking, ridged, deep green foliage. This Monstera is quite different than other members of the Monstera family and there has been some debate regarding the formal classification of this plant. I have seen this plant at a nursery labeled Philodendron Peru, for example.

Monstera Peru Identification

Monstera Karstenianum is a vertical climbing plant with small, dark green, puckered foliage that has a leathery texture. 

Monstera Peru Growth Facts

Unlike other Monstera, Monstera Peru is considered a medium-growing houseplant. Of course, this depends on lighting conditions, watering conditions, and fertilizer schedule. This Monstera will benefit from a moss pole or trellis to climb on.

How Big Does a Monstera Peru Get?

Monstera Peru will grow to become about 6-8 feet tall.

Monstera Peru Care

Monstera Peru is a low-maintenance plant that requires less water and light than other Monstera species. As this Monstera is considered slow-growing, as long as you give it somewhere to climb, it will not require much care. 

Monstera Peru Soil

Monstera Peru will grow best in rich, well-draining, airy soil. A 1:1:1 mixture of coco coir, orchid bark, and perlite will be perfect for this Monstera. 

Monstera Peru Fertilizer

Monstera Peru will benefit from a regular application of balanced liquid fertilizer indicated for houseplants throughout the warm months of spring and summer. Ensure that you follow all label instructions and do not overfeed, as this may lead to chemical burn. Do not feed your plant during winter in the plant’s dormancy. 

Monstera Peru Watering

As Monstera Peru has thick foliage, it can retain water longer than some other species of Monstera, making it more drought-tolerant. This Monstera’s soil should be allowed to dry completely before rewatering. This plant is very susceptible to root rot, so ensure that you do not let it sit in saturated soil for too long of a time. 

Monstera Peru Light Requirements

Unlike many other tropical plants, Monstera Peru does not require a lot of bright light to thrive when cultivated indoors. Indirect light from a north-facing window will be perfect for these plants. Avoid placing your Monstera in a location that will receive direct sunlight, as these plants are very susceptible to scorching from too intense sunlight. 

Monstera Peru Temperature & Humidity

As a Peruvian tropical forest native, Monstera Peru will benefit if kept in a warm, humid environment. Ideally, it would be best if you kept your Monstera between 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Monstera Peru prefers to be grown in above-average humidity. To keep your Monstera happy, install a pebble tray. Humidifier, or keep your Monstera in a bathroom, providing it has adequate light. 

Repotting Monstera Peru

You should repot your Monstera Peru every 1-3 years, or whenever its roots are seen sticking out from its container’s drainage holes. Select a container that is 1-2” larger than the previous container. When repotting, be careful not to disturb the roots. After repotting, refresh the soil, tamp lightly, water thoroughly, and place in indirect light. 

Monstera Peru Maintenance & Pruning

For aesthetic purposes, you may prune your Monstera back periodically using sharp, clean shears. Additionally, you may remove any discolored, diseased, or dead foliage as needed. 

Monstera Peru Propagation

You may propagate your Monstera Peru easily through stem cuttings. Using sharp, clean shears, cut a piece of stem below the node. Each cutting should have a few leaves and 3-4 nodes. Place your cutting into water, ensuring that no leaves are submerged. Next, place the cutting into indirect light. Change the water when it becomes murky to prevent rotting. New roots should emerge from your cutting(s) within a month. When roots grow to 1″, you should place them in soil, water them thoroughly, and put them in indirect light. 

Caring for Monstera Peru

Monstera Peru Toxicity

Considered toxic to humans and household pets, Monstera Peru should never be ingested and hands should be washed after handling.

Toxicity to Humans

Monstera Peru is considered toxic to humans and should not be consumed. 

Toxicity to Cats & Dogs

Monstera Peru is considered toxic to animals, and dogs and cats should not be allowed to ingest any portion of this plant. If you suspect your pet has consumed this plant, contact your veterinarian or animal poison control immediately. 

Monstera Peru Problems

Monstera Peru Leaves Turning Yellow

Yellowing foliage is typically an indication that your Monstera is either being overwatered or is not receiving enough sunlight. Ensure that you wait until the soil of your Monstera has completely dried before rewatering. 

Monstera Peru Leaves Turning Brown

When foliage of Monstera Peru turns brown, it is likely indicative that your plant is being underwatered. Alternatively, foliage browning may be due to too much direct sunlight. 

Monstera Peru Diseases

Monstera Peru is not known to be particularly susceptible to any plant diseases. However, Monstera Peru may suffer from issues related to overwatering, such as root rot. Ensure that you do not overwater your Monstera or allow it to sit in excess water within the plant’s drainage tray. 

Monstera Peru Pests

Monstera Peru may become susceptible to a range of household pests such as mealybugs, fungus gnats, spider mites, scale, and whiteflies. If you suspect a pest infestation, isolate your plant, and treat it with a pesticide such as neem oil or insecticidal soap. 


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