Philodendron Rojo Congo

Scientific Name: Philodendron Rojo Congo

Common Name: Philodendron Rojo Congo

Philodendron Rojo Congo care is easy if you help to create an atmosphere like its natural environment inside your home to make this plant grow well and healthy. To provide the best care for Rojo Congo Philodendron, give it bright yet indirect sunlight, keep its soil consistently moist, provide average temperatures, use organic fertilizers, and prune off dead leaves when needed.

Quick Care Overview

Common NamePhilodendron Rojo Congo
Scientific NamePhilodendron Rojo Congo
OriginSouth America
Growth RateMedium
IdentificationGlossy ovate leaves coming from a burgundy stem
HeightUp to 2 feet tall
SoilLoose, airy soil with drainage
WaterSoil should remain consistently moist
SunlightBright indirect light
Toxic to Cats & DogsYes
Toxic to HumansYes
PestsMealybugs, aphids, spider mites
DiseasesRoot rot

Below we will dive deep into how to care for Philodendron Rojo Congo.

Philodendron Rojo Congo Care

Philodendron Rojo Congo History

Philodendron Rojo Congo is a very exceptional hybrid Philodendron that is non-climbing and compact in shape. Created at the end of the 20th century in Florida, this cultivar is a cross between the Philodendron Imperial Red and Philodendron Tatei. Known for its dark, beautiful burgundy-green leaves and its easy-to-grow self-supporting rosette form, this Philodendron adds a touch of class and exoticness to the home. 

Philodendron Rojo Congo Identification

Unlike other vining Philodendrons, Rojo Congo presents with glossy, ovate leaves growing directly from an erect, upright, fleshy stem of a burgundy color. New leaves emerge as intense red but transition to a burgundy green with maturation. Sporting many different colored leaves, this plant makes for a beautiful attention-grabber with all its contrast. Specific cultivars may also have variegated leaves splashed with cream stripes and patches. 

Philodendron Rojo Congo Growth Facts

Not requiring a large amount of space or an unsightly moss pole for climbing, these compact Philodendrons are perfect for compact spaces. 

How Big Does a Philodendron Rojo Congo Get?

Philodendron Rojo Congo will grow up to 2’ tall and around 2.5’ wide. 

Philodendron Rojo Congo Care

Philodendron Rojo Congo care is easy as they are hardy plants. 

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Philodendron Rojo Congo Soil

Like most Philodendrons, Philodendron Congo Rojo enjoys a loose, airy, growing medium with ample drainage that will adequately retain water. A commercial cactus or aroid potting soil will be ideal for this Philodendron. Additionally, organic matter incorporations such as compost, coco coir, or sphagnum moss may be added to boost the soil. Soilless mixes made of peat moss or perlite will also work. 

Philodendron Rojo Congo Fertilizer

This Philodendron will prefer slow-release granular fertilizers or organic fertilizers such as worm castings over liquid fertilizers. In spring, incorporate a couple of handfuls or work castings into the soil around the base of the plant. Alternatively, a granular slow-release fertilizer may be applied. Ensure that you follow all label instructions. 

Philodendron Rojo Congo Watering

It should be noted that this Philodendron will not tolerate prolonged drought periods, as some other philodendrons do, and should remain consistently moist. On the other hand, this plant will not tolerate excess water either. On average, Philodendron Rojo Congo will need to be watered around 2-3 times weekly during the summer and around every ten days during the winter, depending on growing conditions. To test moisture levels, stick a finger into the soil surrounding the plant. When the soil has dried entirely up to a depth of about two inches, it is time to rewater. 

Philodendron Rojo Congo Light Requirements

Philodendron Rojo Congo requires a great deal of light to retain their brilliant color. Bright, indirect light, such as from an east or west window, is an ideal location for this plant. Do not allow this plant to sit in direct sunlight for more than an hour daily, as this will cause leaf scorching. This Philodendron may also be supported with fluorescent lighting if your home does not have enough natural sunlight to support the needs of Philodendron Rojo Congo. If the leaves of your Philodendron start to fade, it is likely an indicator that your plant is not receiving enough light. 

Philodendron Rojo Congo Temperature & Humidity

Philodendron Rojo Congo likes to remain warm, being bred from tropical plants and will thrive in an environment with a temperature between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep in mind that this plant does not like temperature fluctuations and should not be kept next to heaters, air conditioners, drafts, or cold windows. This Philodendron is not resistant to frost and does not like cold temperatures or extreme heat. Do not allow this Philodendron to reach temperatures below 55 or above 95 degrees Fahrenheit, as this may cause permanent damage. Give this plant humidity levels of around 40 to 60%. If your home is on the drier side or during winter, provide the plant with a humidifier.

Repotting Philodendron Rojo Congo

Philodendron Rojo Congo is a rapid grower. It will likely need to be repotted annually in early spring to allow more room for the roots to grow and refresh the soil in its first few years. When your plant has matured, it will likely only need to be repotted every two to three years or whenever you see roots appearing through the drainage holes in the container. Alternatively, you can repot your Philodendron in a large container that is 16-18″ in diameter and refresh the growing substrate every couple of years to freshen up the soil. 

Philodendron Rojo Congo Maintenance & Pruning

Although it will only reach a height of two feet tall, this Philodendron has a habit of getting top-heavy, so choose a container accordingly. This Philodendron will not need to be pruned. Instead, discolored and dead leaves can be trimmed using sharp, clean shears. 

How to Care for Philodendron Rojo Congo

Philodendron Rojo Congo Propagation

Philodendron Rojo Congo can be easily propagated through stem division. First, identify the node and cut a stem from the plant utilizing sterilized garden scissors about a half-inch below the node. Ideally, select a stem that has several leaves and aerial roots. Next, place the cutting into a container with water in indirect light. Periodically change the water, and you should see roots within two months. Once the roots have reached about a .5-1′ in length, you may plant them into a new container with fresh soil. Alternatively, you may propagate this plant through root division and planting the offset plantlets. 

Philodendron Rojo Congo Toxicity

The Philodendron Rojo Congo houseplant is toxic to humans, cats, and dogs because of the calcium oxalate crystals within the plant.

Toxicity to Humans

Like many other plants in the Araceae family, Rojo Congo is considered toxic. Consumption of the plant may irritate the mouth and cause digestive issues. Therefore, this plant should not be ingested.

Toxicity to Cats & Dogs

This plant is considered toxic to pets and should not be consumed. Ingestion of this plant may cause drooling, vomiting, nausea, and other issues. If you suspect your pet has consumed any portion of this plant, contact your veterinarian or animal poison control. 

Philodendron Rojo Congo Problems

Philodendron Rojo Congo Leaves Turning Yellow

When leaves of Rojo Congo turn yellow, it is most commonly a sign of overwatering. Yellow leaves may be pruned. Ensure that your plant has proper drainage and that it is not sitting in excess water in the plant tray. 

Philodendron Rojo Congo Leaves Turning Brown

Browning of the leaves, especially in patches, is often indicative that the plant is receiving too much direct sunlight and scorching. Alternatively, this could indicate that the plant is too dry and needs more moisture. 

Philodendron Rojo Congo Diseases

When foliage becomes spotted, it may indicate that your Philodendron Rojo Congo has a fungal disease. This is often due to excessive watering. Infected leaves should be removed, and the plant may then be treated with a fungicide. Be sure to follow all label instructions. 

Philodendron Rojo Congo Pests

 Philodendron Rojo Congo may experience issues from aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. This may be prevented by regularly cleaning the leaves with a damp cloth. Pests may also be treated or prevented with the use of insecticidal soap or neem oil. Make sure that you follow all label instructions. 


Is Philodendron Red Congo and Rojo Congo the Same?

Philodendron Rojo Congo is also called Philodendron Red Congo, Congo Red, or Congo Rojo.

Can Philodendron Congo Grow Outside?

Philodendron Rojo Congo is a hardy plant in which it may survive and thrive outside on patios in zones 9-11. But rojo congo should be planted in a pot and brought inside for the winter.

Why Does My Rojo Congo Have Spots?

The Rojo Congo Philodendron can develop spots due to a bug infestation, usually spider mites. Treat the infestation right away to get rid of the spots and keep your plant healthy.

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