Red Chinese Evergreen

Scientific Name: Aglaonema Siam Aurora

Common Name: Red Chinese Evergreen, Red Aglaonema

The red Chinese evergreen plant is grown for its beautiful red and green variegated foliage. There are many different varieties of the Chinese evergreen plant, but in this article we will talk about red Chinese evergreen care. 

Let’s dive deeper into how to care for red Chinese evergreen.

Red Chinese Evergreen Care

Red Chinese Evergreen Plant History

Native to Southeast Asia, the red Chinese evergreen plant grows at the base of the floor in the rainforest where it has high humidity and high temperatures. You can find this plant in Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. 

Red Chinese Evergreen Plant Identification

The red Chinese evergreen plant is a low-maintenance houseplant that adds a pop of color to your space. The red-accented leaves give it depth and uniqueness next to some of your other favorite houseplants. Whether you want to display it on your nightstand, plant shelf, or side table, this unique plant will fit in almost anywhere with filtered sunlight and high humidity. 

Red Chinese Evergreen Plant Toxicity

Much like the ZZ Plant, the red Chinese evergreen plant contains calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic when ingested or by skin contact. Be sure to wash your hands when you are done handling the plant or even better, wear gloves. 

Toxicity to Humans

Because of the calcium oxalate crystals, do not let children near this houseplant. As even touching the plant, can cause skin irritation. Hands must be washed immediately after handling this plant or before touching anything else. 

Toxicity to Cats & Dogs

The red Chinese evergreen plant is toxic to cats and dogs due to the calcium oxalate crystals. If ingested, it will cause irritation and inflammation but because of this, this makes cats and dogs not want to consume that much of it. A few bites may be enough to deter them and they will usually spit it out because of the irritation it causes. Symptoms can take up to 2 hours to occur in your pet. If you suspect your cat or dog has ingested this plant, let them lick ice cubes to help the irritation or give them really cold water. Since it can cause swelling, pay extra attention to any changes in breathing and if needed, seek out a veterinarian.

Red Chinese Evergreen Growth Facts

Aglaonemas are known for their minimal maintenance waterings and minimal lighting. While they can grow up to 3′ tall and 3′ wide, they grow pretty slow. So be patient while your red Chinese evergreen grows or purchase a more mature plant if you are impatient.

How Big Does a Red Chinese Evergreen Plant Get?

They can grow up to 3’ tall and 3” wide. You will see all of its growth during the spring and summer while there is little to no growth as the temperatures dip lower.

How to Care for Red Chinese Evergreen

Red Chinese Evergreen Plant Care

Best Soil for Red Chinese Evergreen Plant

Since the red Chinese evergreen is a hardy plant, it will do well in most indoor houseplant soils. But if you want it to really thrive, mix 3 parts with regular houseplant with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5 soil and add 1 part perlite

Red Chinese Evergreen Fertilizer

The red Chinese evergreen doesn’t need fertilizer in order for it to grow, but you may fertilize it once a year in the Spring, and optionally once again in Summer for optimal growth. 

Red Chinese Evergreen Watering

The plant will thrive when the soil is moist, but not overly wet. If the soil is kept too wet, root rot can occur. Keep the soil moist between waterings, but don’t let the soil stand in water. Water this plant weekly in summer and biweekly in winter. Adjust the watering schedule according to the needs of your plant.

Red Chinese Evergreen Sun & Shade

Because of the red Chinese evergreen’s natural habitat growing at the base of the floor in the rainforest, this plant does best in indirect medium light.

Red Chinese Evergreen Temperature & Humidity

This plant thrives in high temperature and high humidity environments. Be sure not to let this plant be in temperatures below 55F and keep away from cold drafts. If the red Chinese evergreen plant comes into contact with cold, the leaves of the plant will start to turn brown.  

Red Chinese Evergreen Maintenance & Pruning

There’s not much maintenance needed to maintain the red Chinese evergreen plant. If it looks healthy, there’s no need to prune it back. Alternatively, if it doesn’t look healthy and it’s got yellow or brown leaves, then it’s time to pick those leaves off. Trim the leaves close to the base of the plant with clean scissors and discard the bad leaves.

Propagating Red Chinese Evergreen

Propagating red Chinese evergreen in water is certainly possible. With clean scissors, cut a few stems close to the soil line. Remove 2-3″ of the leaves from the bottom of the stem then place them in clean filtered room temperature water, and put them near a window so the plants can receive some sunlight.

Red Chinese Evergreen Problems

Red Chinese Evergreen Diseases

The red Chinese evergreen plant can be a pretty sensitive plant in certain ways. Watering is one of those ways. Go back to the watering section above and be sure you are not overwatering or underwatering the aglaonema. Always take a good look at how your plant is looking before watering. If overwatering, root rot can set into this plant fairly easy. Be sure you have really good drainable houseplant soil to allow the water to flow through the plant and out.

Fungal spots are also a common aglaonema disease such as anthracnose and myrothecium spots. These fungal diseases will cause brown spots on the leaves and holes in the leaves. Spraying a copper fertilizer onto the plant will help to cure this disease. Be sure to spray at night to let it soak overnight. 

Red Chinese Evergreen Pests

Aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, and scales can affect this plant. Fix the pest infestation right away when you see them as they can quickly get out of control and infect your entire plant, and possibly infect other plants around that plant.


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