Neon Pothos

Scientific Name: Epipremnum Aureum ‘Neon’

Common Name: Neon Pothos, Goldilocks

Neon Pothos care is important to get right in order to grow this beautiful and vibrant chartreuse neon-green foliage indoor plant into a thriving houseplant. Whether you want a climbing Neon Pothos or a trailing Neon Pothos vine, we’ll go over all of the details you need to care for Neon Pothos. This is one of many low-maintenance plants making it great for beginners!

Quick Care Overview

Common NameNeon Pothos, Goldilocks
Scientific NameEpipremnum Aureum ‘Neon’
OriginSolomon Islands
IdentificationBright, yellow-green neon leaves
Height2 to 20 feet tall
SoilAerated, well-draining soil
WaterAllow top two inches of soil to dry out before watering
SunlightBright, indirect light
Toxic to Cats & DogsYes
Toxic to HumansYes
PestsMealybugs, spider mites
DiseasesRoot rot

Below we will dive deep into how to care for Neon Pothos.

Neon Pothos Care

Neon Pothos History

The Neon Pothos comes from the Solomon Islands where it thrives climbing up trees and growing along the tropical floor. The Neon Pothos is a part of the Araceae family. 

Neon Pothos Identification

To identify any Pothos, you can look for their classic heart-shaped leaves but with any Pothos variety, they will have their own uniqueness to them. To identify Neon Pothos, you’ll notice the incredibly vibrant solid yellow lemon-lime leaves.

Neon Pothos Growth Facts

Neon Pothos growth rate is average. In their native climate, they can grow to heights of 40 feet. When grown as a houseplant under optimal conditions, this Pothos variety can quickly take over a corner and trail down or climb up a wall like they do in their native conditions.

How Big Does a Neon Pothos Get?

Grown under the right conditions and the best Neon Pothos care, your pothos can grow around one foot per month during the growing season. The plant will go into dormancy in the winter so don’t expect growth during the fall and winter. If you are in a warmer climate and want to grow your Neon Pothos outdoors, you can expect the Pothos stem and green leaves to grow up to 20 feet or longer.

Epipremnum Aureum Neon

Neon Pothos Care

To have this plant grow to its fullest potential, you need to get the Neon Pothos care right. The Neon Pothos prefers temperatures between 70-90F with a humidity around 50%. They enjoy well-draining soil that contains peat moss and perlite. The soil needs to stay damp but not soggy or soaking wet, so water only when it is on the drier side. Give it a balanced liquid fertilizer every month during the active growing months. Last but not least, the Neon Pothos will grow best under bright indirect sunlight.

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Neon Pothos Soil

Neon Pothos require well-draining soil, look for a soil mix that contains peat moss and perlite or consider making your own soil if you can’t find one from the store containing these ingredients. A good potting mix with a high nutritional value that drains well will improve the growth of any potted plant, not just Neon Pothos. 

Neon Pothos Fertilizer

You can fertilize the Neon Pothos once a month with a balanced fertilizer during the active growth months (spring and summer) to ensure it is getting enough nutrients. This will help to maximize the rate at which your plant grows. Do not fertilize during the winter months when the plant is not actively growing. 

Neon Pothos Watering

For Neon Pothos care, you will need to maintain the soil moisture without making it too damp or soggy. When the top 2 inches of the soil become dry, you should water again. Developing a watering schedule will vary on the humidity, temperature, and lighting conditions your plant receives so getting to know your plant will help you to establish a watering schedule.

Neon Pothos Light Requirements

Although Neon Pothos can survive in many different lighting environments including low light, which makes it a great plant for bathrooms, it does best in bright indirect light environments. Avoid direct sunlight as it will cause the leaves to burn and take away from the yellow-green vibrancy that is this plant. Ensure it is receiving enough light to keep their leaves that strong, vibrant color.

Neon Pothos Temperature & Humidity

The Neon Pothos grows best in warm temperatures between 70-90F with higher humidity. Your plant will grow fastest in these conditions and slower in colder places with less humidity.

This plant thrives in humidity around and above 50%. In the summertime, it usually isn’t a problem to have 50% humidity for this plant. But in winter, it gets harder. Consider misting your plant daily, adding a pebbles tray below or near your plant, or even placing a humidifier near the Pothos to give it the right humidity conditions. Always be sure to avoid drafts and air vents.

Repotting Neon Pothos

To give the best Neon Pothos care, repot your larger pothos every 2-3 years as the roots grow. Smaller Neon Pothos plants may need to be repoted every 6-18 months as it grows a lot more when the plant is immature. Always repot at the start of the active growing months, and water a few days before repotting to reduce the amount of stress placed on your plant. Pick a pot with drainage holes and a saucer for a functional, put together look.

Neon Pothos Maintenance & Pruning

Neon Pothos does not need a lot of maintenance or regular pruning. However, if you want a bushier Neon Pothos, you will need to prune it back to have it grow the way you want to grow. When pruning, never prune more than 1/4 of the entire plant at a time, as if you do, it will shock the plant and can lead to it dying.

Neon POTHOS Related Articles:
How to Care for Neon Pothos

Neon Pothos Propagation

Neon Pothos is such a beautiful plant and you may realize you want the same plant in another area of your home. This can easily be done by propagating the plant through stem cuttings. To start, grab clean scissors and cut the stem 1/8″ below a node. Keep in mind that a new stem will sprout just above the node that is cut. Place the stem cutting in a jar with clean water. The bare node has to be underwater with the leaves above the water in order for the stem to grow roots. Ensure each cutting contains at least two leaves and you can go up to around 12″ in length. Roots should develop within four to six weeks. When the roots are 1-2″ in length, you may pot them in well-draining soil. Learn more about Neon Pothos propagation here.

Neon Pothos Toxicity

Like other Pothos plants, neon pothos is toxic to humans and pets. Keep this plant away from children and pets.

Toxicity to Humans

Because of the insoluble calcium oxalate crystals in the Neon Pothos plant, this plant is toxic to children and adults. The crystals within the plant are so sharp that they can tear and shred skin. Avoid letting small children near this plant or keep an eye on them. Wash hands after handling the Neon Pothos.

Toxicity to Cats & Dogs

Neon Pothos plant is not pet safe and is toxic to cats and dogs. Since Pothos are great trailers, consider keeping them on top of a bookcase or somewhere up high to avoid curious pets into this plant.

Neon Pothos Problems

Neon Pothos Leaves Turning Yellow

Yellow leaves occur on Neon Pothos when the soil has improper moisture from overwatering or underwatering. The top 25% of soil should be allowed to dry out before giving water again.

Neon Pothos Leaves Turning Brown

The most common reason that your Neon Pothos has brown leaves is root rot which occurs from overwatering. To prevent this, ensure you are watering your plant properly (check out the section above on watering). Alternatively, too much direct sunlight will also cause brown leaf tips.

Neon Pothos Diseases

The most common disease is root rot which is caused by overwatering. To prevent this, understand your plant and understand when to give it water and when to let it be.

Neon Pothos Pests

The most common pest that you may find on your Neon Pothos is mealybugs and spider mites. These are common pests that infest all types of houseplants. It is best to take preventative care and follow proper Neon Pothos care instructions which will help the plant to not attract pests. Spray neem oil to get rid of them and to prevent them from invading.


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